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About the Pony League
We are having another Dick's Sporting Goods Discount weekend March 31st-April 3rd at the Tukwila and Issaquah stores. 20% off your...
All teams now have a head coach! All rosters have been sent out to coaches. Practices for the Pinto, Bronco, Mustang and Pony team...
We are having another Dick's Sporting Goods Discount weekend June 3rd-6th at the Tukwila Store! 20% off your entire purchase. No...
Dick's Sporting Goods Discount weekend MARCH 11th-14th at the Tukwila Store! 20% off your entire purchase.
March 7th through March 13th we are teaming up with for a 20/20 CVAC fundraiser.
Looking for baseball pants, glove, bat, or cleats? Do you have used baseball gear to donate? CVAC GEAR EXCHANGE is a great opportu...
Registration for the 2022 Spring Season is now closed. Stay tuned for details about teams and our annual prize drawing.
As we continue to navigate the COVID19 Pandemic, we are optimistic in seeing a 2021 Spring Season.
Enjoy amazonsmile and help your favorite baseball club at the same time! Choose your favorite non-profit baseball club, Cascade Vi...
RENTON, WA [December 9, 2019] Cascade Vista (CVAC) Baseball has created a new division in the league by introducing a pilot progra...
CVAC Field
King of Kings Church
Renton Park Elementary School
Ravensdale Park
Glacier Park Elementary School
Cedar River Elementary School
Tahoma Elementary School
Lake Francis Park
Tahoma High School
Lindbergh High School
Cascade Vista Baseball P.O. Box 58362 Renton, Washington 98058
Email: [email protected]